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Discovery Land & Planning is owned and run by me, James Chapman, a qualified planning consultant with a proven track record of creating success for clients.


I've worked in property for more than 20 years.  I spent 5 years in Estate Agency in central London, before training as a Land Manager for a new homes developer in Kent.  Following the credit crunch, I gained a BA (Hons) in Urban & Environmental Planning and a PgDip in Town Planning and I’ve been creating new development sites ever since.


I grew up in Kent, lived in London for a decade and now live in Essex.  The vast majority of my business is in Kent and Essex, and I also cover the whole of the South East.

My Experience

I create development from scratch and manage the whole process from start to finish myself.  Every new project starts with an idea and then I engage and manage all of the contributors necessary to bring the project to life and gain planning permission.  I have taken more than 40 projects through the whole life cycle in the last decade.


I have created sites across the residential spectrum ranging from starter homes in East Kent to luxury homes in West Kent.  I have rebuilt garages with housing on top, remodelled a former public house, redeveloped a plant nursery and replaced a hotel with family housing.  I have worked on brownfield sites, greenfield sites, sites in the AONB, sites in Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings.  I have worked on gardens, fields and factories.  Sites in the urban area, rural area, inside and outside of settlement boundaries, within the countryside and in the Green Belt.  I pioneered Maidstone Borough Council's first Custom-Build site for people to build their own homes and I created a new care model allowing buyers to own freehold bungalows with very low service charges and have their care needs delivered within their home.


Since 2008 I have been working with landowners and developers, helping them to achieve planning permission and grow the value of their assets.  Perhaps I can help you too?


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities, so please get in contact for a free appraisal within minutes.

07815 909 166

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